Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014--12:30 pm


Below you will find a copy of Out of Class Essay #2 assignment, which was distributed and discussed in class today.

Also, please remember to bring a hard copy of the sample essay from the previous blog entry. We will discuss it in class on Wednesday. If you wish, you can also access it on an electronic device. In any case, please have it read by class on Wednesday, and be prepared to discuss its strengths and weaknesses.

English 20, Spring 2014--C. Fraga

Date assigned: Monday, March 3
Rough draft (optional): due no later than Monday, March 17 (please submit as a Word document via e-mail BY midnight. Note that I have changed the time from 5 pm to midnight)
Final draft due: Monday, April 14

NOTE: you have six weeks to plan, research, write and revise this essay. This gives you plenty of time so you can, if you wish, NOT work on it during spring recess and STILL have five weeks, which is a generous amount of time. Manage it wisely.

1. MLA format
2. A minimum of 5 outside sources on your Works Cited page. If you utilize personal interviews, be sure there are not MORE interviews than resources from professional and/or academic publications. The best place to start is the home page of the Sacramento State Library. By this time in your college career, you should be very familiar with the AMAZING databases available to you, just a click away!
3. Please, no Wikipedia or encyclopedias as primary sources
4. No formulaic, 5 paragraph essay

Among many things, the series Breaking Bad focuses on the family entity and what happens when something quite extraordinary occurs—how do various members of the family cope, adjust, and/or “deal” with the event/situation? (In the case of this series, obviously it is Walter’s cancer that is the ‘event’).

I am not referring to the everyday “bumps in the road” that occur for all families. Instead, I am asking you to consider the family unit when faced with an especially challenging situation. These situations could include but are not limited to:
death                              bipolar disorder                       
birth                              asberger’s syndrome
infidelity                              complications from a stroke
serious injury                        alcoholism
dementia                                                            drug abuse
serious illness                        incarceration
divorce                              anorexia
unemployment                        bulimia
new employment                  spousal abuse
moving to a new home/state/area/country
the return of a war veteran
moving BACK home after initially moving OUT
severe depression
‘coming out’ in the LBGT community
sexual abuse

Select ONE situation that you are most interested in exploring. You will conduct research (and possibly personal interviews) in order to write an essay that offers the reader a brief background on the topic and makes an assertion about what elements impact a family in the most challenging of ways and supports it logically and interestingly.

If you wish to focus on a situation that you are familiar with firsthand, that is fine. However, this essay is not a narrative. It is a research and analysis essay. In other words, you can certainly utilize personal observations and experiences but you CANNOT rely on them to in any way be the main supports for your essay.

Your thesis might read something like this:

When a family member develops dementia, the challenges are often devastating, yet the disease definitely impacts family members more than the dementia patient.


When a couple divorces, it most certainly impacts the children still living at home; however, it is the older children who have already moved away that are most affected by the split.

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